30 days of me, 9

Something you’re proud of in the last few days.
Hm, this is a bit of a difficult one because I’m on holiday at the moment so I haven’t really been doing very much!
If anything, I think I will say how much I have been enjoying myself. This sounds like an easy thing to do on holiday, and yes it is. But often I get very homesick and I always have my mind on everybody at home and the things is would be doing if I was there. This time however I have been able to fully let go of that and enjoy every second of being here.

Last time I was only here for 1 week, and by the end I was missing everybody terribly. Don’t get me wrong, I am missing my family and friends at home, but not so much that it is making me have less of an enjoyable time here. I have another few days here before travelling back to the UK and I am seeing J the day I land back. That is however, after I have been to work because despite being told I could stay off that day, I have decided to go in any ways because I firstly miss my job and secondly miss my work friends. I’m so pleased that I get on so well with everybody at work.
I hope that you all have things that you’ve accomplished recently that you’re proud of. Remember that it doesn’t have to be big thing to anybody else to make it a big thing to you.
Until the next time,

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